BES Playbook

1.1 Purpose

AF/A4 published the "US Air Force Enterprise Logistics Flight Plan v2.0" (ELFP) in April 2016 and the subordinate document "Enterprise Logistics Technology Annex" (ELTA) in June of 2016. This plan and annex describe the desired "synthesized logistics information" future state of US Air Force (AF) Enterprise Logistics in 2035. BES believes that in order to maintain a path and schedule to achieve those long-term goals, a series of enabling initiatives are needed to accelerate current progress in order to achieve the necessary near-term milestones.

It is the intent of the Business and Enterprise System (BES) to include the resulting Playbooks into the BES Process Directory (BPD) to ensure all members of Air Force Program Executive Office (AFPEO) BES, at all operating locations, have quick easy access to standard processes and templates for Defense Business System programs.

DoD continues to recognize the need to apply automated software testing processes and procedures in a more consistent and repeatable manner. The Director of Operational Test & Evaluation (DOT&E) annual reports dating back to 2013 and earlier, show a concerted effort to improve the adoption rate of automation across the DoD. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for FY 2018 commissioned an Automated Testing Technologies study. There continues to be strong interest across the Services to investigate ways in which automation adoption and momentum can be increased. Defense Acquisition Policy, DoD Instruction 5000.02 and 5000.75 through AFMAN 63-144 contain language that encourages the use of automated testing. With the move towards more flexible and agile approaches to software development comes a greater urgency to implement test automation. This playbook addresses the desire to adopt test automation with practical, experienced-based methods and best practices.

Automation Playbook Benefits

  • Defines a common understanding of automation processes and terminology
  • Establishes automation best practices to facilitate adoption by AF community
  • Explains the various roles needed to start and maintain test automation
  • Defines an overall architecture of automation applicable across projects and programs
  • Helps programs understand how to migrate from manual to automated testing