BES Playbook

1.2 Play 2: Delight the User

The goal should be to make the user experience as intuitive and enjoyable as possible. We need to understand the different ways people will interact with the system, including the actions they take online, through a mobile application, on a phone, or in person. Every encounter — whether it’s online or offline — should move the user closer towards their goal.


  • Understand the different points during a process and times when people will interact with the system – both online and in person
  • Identify pain points in the way users interact with the system, and prioritize these according to user needs
  • Design the digital parts of the system so that they are integrated with the offline touch points people use to interact with the service
  • Develop metrics that will measure how well the system is meeting user needs at each step of the service

Key Questions

  • What are the different ways (both online and offline) that people currently accomplish the task the system is designed to help with?
  • Where are user pain points in the current way people accomplish the task?
  • Where does this specific project fit into the larger way people currently obtain the system being offered?
  • What metrics will best indicate how well the system is working for its users?