BES Playbook

1.7 Play 7: Plan to Rebuild

If developing a new application this play does not apply. When modernizing a legacy application with a Low-Code platform, plan to rebuild the app in the selected Low-Code framework. This will ensure a clean transition to the new technology stack. In some cases where the legacy application was developed using the Java programming language it may be possible to have the Low-Code platform pull in your applications existing Java classes, but this should be carefully considered during the product evaluation phase. Given the rapid application development nature of Low-Code platforms rebuilding should be much faster.

Please reference the “Automated Application Modernization” Chapter of the BES Playbook for additional information on Application Modernization methodologies:


  • Review the Automated Application Modernization Playbook chapter to better understand your modernization options
  • Understand the existing architecture and underlying code
  • Gather all relevant technical documentation if it exists

Key Questions

  • Are you modernizing an existing application or developing a new application?
  • Which databases are you using and why did you choose them?
  • Which programming languages are you using and why did you choose them?
  • What are your current system interfaces?