BES Playbook

1.9 Play 9: Consider Cloud Hosting

Our system should be deployed on flexible infrastructure, where resources can be provisioned in real-time to meet spikes in traffic and user demand. Cloud hosting provides the level of flexibility required to host Low-Code platforms. During the AoA phase of the project, it should be determined if the product is supported in each of the major commercially available cloud hosting service provider environments (AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, etc..). It should also be determined if the product is accredited at the required security impact level within these environments.


  • Resources are provisioned on demand
  • Resources scale based on real-time user demand
  • Resources are provisioned through an API
  • Resources are available in multiple regions
  • We only pay for resources we use
  • Low-Code platform is available through cloud provider marketplace as Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Security Impact level of application is supported

Key Questions

  • Where is your system currently hosted?
  • What hardware requirements does Low-Code / No-Code platform require?
  • What is the demand or usage pattern for your system?
  • What happens to your system when it experiences a surge in traffic or load?
  • How much capacity is available in your hosting environment?
  • How long does it take you to provision a new resource, like an application server?
  • How have you designed your system to scale based on demand?
  • How are you paying for your hosting infrastructure (e.g., by the minute, hourly, daily, monthly, fixed)?
  • Does your system require it to be hosted in multiple regions, availability zones, or data centers?
  • What would be the impact of a prolonged downtime window?