BES Playbook

1.4 Play 4: Determine the target (“To-Be”) modernized application solution

Building on Play 3, this play determines the complete target (or “To-Be”) solution architecture for the modernized application.


  • Determine the application architecture including: overall architecture, operating system, coding paradigm, code language, frameworks, database type, etc.
  • Determine the development methodologies to be used: agile, DevOps, hybrid. Determine DevOps automation solution (or use one provided by the enterprise).
  • Integrate Cyber Security, accreditation, and compliance requirements as this target solution is defined.
  • Determine the hosting solutions. Will the application be hosted in the cloud (government cloud, shared cloud, private cloud, on-premise hosting, hybrid)?

    • Consider each environment the application needs: development, testing, pre-production, production, and others.
    • Determine where each of these environments be hosted.
    • Determine how the application baseline upgrades will flow between environments (ie: promoted from one environment to the next)?
  • Determine the enterprise computing services (ie: platform as a service, PaaS) required to host the application.

    • Determine solutions for identity and access management (IDAM), data interfacing such as enterprise service bus (ESB) solutions, web services, and microservices.
  • Determine how this application will be operated in the new environment, including backups, monitoring, and disaster recovery.
  • Determine the Help Desk or Service Desk model. BES uses the AF Help Desk. PMs need to address this relatively early in the process and ensure proper agreements and funding are secured.

Key Questions

  • Does the target (or “To-Be”) solution align or comply with enterprise requirements?
  • Are the products used aligned with the enterprise license agreements and forecast?