BES Playbook

1.5 Play 5: Formulate the application modernization and migration plan (how to move from “As-Is” to “To-Be” state)

This play develops the plan for migrating the application from the legacy (determined in Play 2) to modernized (determined in Play 3, 4) state using automation.


  • Create the development environment.

    • Create proper networking solution (consistent with production solution).
    • Allow network access to the enterprise computing services (PaaS) needed (ie: IDAM, ESB, others).
    • Install COTS products to be used.
  • Map business logic components from the legacy to modernized application.

    • Use automated software conversion tools to do the bulk of the work. Note: these tools are specialized, and the right tool(s) must be used for the task at hand. More about these tools are included in the complete playbook.
  • Choose a data store (database) that best meets the applications needs.

    • Map data structures from the legacy to modernized application.
    • Migrate the data from the legacy to modernized data store (database).
  • Transform interfaces if necessary. Ensure interfaces can be tested from development and test environments.

  • Create plan for lean documentation using automated and digital means (to maximum extent possible) for: system design, application design, database design, interface design, test cases, operator’s manual, help/service desk guides

Key Questions

  • Are all lifecycle processes defined and documented?
  • What activities are not using automation? Why?