BES Playbook

1.6 Play 6: Execute the application modernization plan

This play executes the plan developed in Play 5.


  • Perform the technical modernization tasks discussed in Play 5.
  • Ensure the Help Desk or Service Desk is ready to provide service during and after production cutover.
  • Cutover Stakeholder coordination.
  • Cutover test.
  • Achieve cyber security authorization to operate.
  • Cutover and Go-Live.
  • Leave legacy system in production, but not serving users, until the new modernized system is deemed ready for initial operating capability (IOC) and can reliably serve users.

Key Questions

  • What are the key service levels that must be met by the application? How are these measured and reported to key stakeholders?
  • How will the application be sustained once modernized?
  • How will the application evolve?