BES Playbook

11.4 BPD Tailoring Worksheet for Engineering and Manufacturing Development Phase, Production & Deployment Phase, and Operations & Support Phase (24 September, 2018)


For guidance and instruction on the Tailoring Worksheet, refer to the BPD Tailoring Guide.

NOTE: For AAM Agile contract projects, the Agile (Scrum, Kanban, and XP) best practices described in the Agile and AAM Playbooks will replace the BPD IT Lean waterfall centric phases, reviews and documentation. One of the key AAM contract project assumptions is that the documentation work product artifacts of the legacy system application undergoing modernization and migration to the cloud currently exist, are in accordance with the BPD templates and have been reviewed and approved by the government PMO. If not, only documentation work products agreed to by the application Product Owner will be included in the application release Product Backlog.

When a work product is marked with a checkmark (✔) or asterisk (*), that work product shall either be produced or if it already exists, updated as necessary. In either case, the work product must be consistent with the current release.

  • ✔ = Product will be or has been produced
  • * = Product will be modified (justification required)
  • N/A = Not Applicable (justification required)

The “JUSTIFICATION FOR TAILORING” column of this template identifies products that shall be tailored out if the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) occurs after Milestone B. Refer to the BPD Tailoring Guide for conditions regarding when the PDR occurs in relation to Milestone B.

NOTE: For AAM Agile contract projects, iterative Agile Scrum management practices, XP engineering practices, and product documentation artifacts maintained in the Jira Work Management Tool and Confluence Project Wiki. These work product artifacts will be substituted for the IT Lean reviews and document work product artifacts in the BPD Tailoring Worksheet.

Every product delivered to the customer must have a Peer Review and Minutes. All meetings and reviews conducted will be formally documented with formal meeting minutes. Action items identified during meetings and reviews will be tracked to closure. Refer to the Peer Review Procedure.

NOTE: For AAM Agile contract projects, Agile Product Backlog grooming, iterative Scrum Sprint Backlog Refinement, Sprint Demos, ‘Definition of Done’ criteria, sprint Retrospectives, and Release Integration (Minimum viable Product criteria) review and testing activities of the product user stories and features are performed with the Development Team, Product Owner and Stakeholders. These procedures will replace the BPD Peer Review Procedure.

Review Lessons Learned Database

Review the pertinent sections of the Lessons Learned Database. The database is available for help in avoiding previous pitfalls and for providing ideas that have worked well for others. It can be found on the BPD web site.

Review Automated Application Modernization (AAM) Playbook

Review the pertinent sections of the AAM Playbook for project guidance in terms of project organization, staffing, management and engineering practices, project phases, work items and deliverables. It can be found on the BES Playbooks web site:

The following table prescribes work item products that are recommended for an AAM Agile contract project.


Row No. ✔, * or N/A Product References Justification for Tailoring
1 Stakeholder List Stakeholder Identification and Assessment Template Stakeholder Communications plan
2 N/A Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) and Minutes IBR Procedure Using Scrum Management Practices
3 * Final Configuration Management Plan (CMP) Configuration Management Planning Procedure
4 N/A Intergroup Coordination Checklist Intergroup Coordination Checklist Template
5 N/A Initial Integrated Test Design (IITD) Artifacts IITD Procedure Tailor out if PDR occurs before Milestone B
* Updated Integrated Test Team (ITT) Charter ITT Guide
ITT Charter Template
* Updated Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) TEMP Template
* Updated Integrated Test Plan (ITP) ITP Template
Draft Test Scenarios, Test Cases, and Test Scripts Test Script Template Replaced with User Story or Feature Manual and Automated Test Scripts (to the extent Practical) and ‘Definition of Done’
N/A Updated Integrated Test Description (ITD) ITD Template See Above
6 N/A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) WBS Procedure Replaced with Scrum Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog tasks and work items
7 Refined Schedule and Cost
8 * Updated Project-Specific Training Plan Project-Specific Training Procedure
9 * Updated Risks Risk and Issue Management Process
10 N/A Updated Systems Engineering Plan Systems Engineering Plan Outline Replaced with Scrum Management and XP Engineering Practices
Air Force Implementation of New Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Templates Air Force Materiel Command Instruction (AFMCI) 63-1201 & applicable supplement Air Force Implementation of New Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Templates
Air Force Materiel Command Instruction (AFMCI) 63-1201 & applicable supplement
11 N/A Configuration Control Directive (CCD) CCD Form Replaced with CI/CD Pipeline Processes
12 N/A Functional Review Board (FRB) and minutes FRB Procedure Replaced by Product Owner and designated Stakeholders providing engineering support

Engineering and Manufacturing Development Iteration – Begin

Row No. ✔, * or N/A Product References Justification for Tailoring
13 N/A Software Development Plan (SDP) SDP Template Tailor out if PDR occurs before Milestone B
14 N/A General Requirements Specification (GRS) GRS Template Tailor out if PDR occurs before Milestone B
15 * Updated Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) RTM Template Provided in Jira format
16 * Updated Responses in Enterprise Information Technology Data Repository (EITDR) to Non-Security Portions of Security, Interoperability, Supportability, Sustainability, and Usability (SISSU) Questions EITDR Guide EITDR is now Information Technology Investment Portfolio Suite (ITIPS)
17 * Updated Responses to Information Assurance (IA) Controls in Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service (eMASS) eMASS Portal
Contact the IA Function for Assistance
18 N/A System Requirements Review (SRR) and Minutes SRR Procedure Replaced by Scrum Epics, Features and High-level User Stories and Work Items in the Product Backlog maintained by the Product Owner
19 N/A Updated GRS GRS Template Tailored Out
20 N/A System Functional Review (SFR) and Minutes SFR Procedure Replaced by weekly Product Backlog grooming by the Product Owner and Stakeholders
21 N/A Refined Functional Baseline (FBL) Tailor out if PDR occurs before Milestone B
22 * Updated Risks Risk and Issue Management Process
23 N/A Updated Cost Analysis Requirement Description (CARD) Replaced by Story Point estimates in t-shirt sizing and planning poker estimation.
24 * Updated Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP) Document Streamlining – LCSP

Air Force Implementation of New OSD Templates
25 * Updated Interface Requirements Agreement (IRA) IRA Template
26 N/A Updated GRS GRS Template
27 * Updated RTM RTM Template Update from Jira
28 * Draft Database Specification (DS) DS Template Output from Data Conversion and Data Migration Tools
29 N/A Draft Design Document (DD) DD Template Tailor out if PDR occurs before Milestone B
30 * Updated Architecture Viewpoints Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) “As-Is” and “To-Be” Architecture Runway Descriptions
31 * Updated Information Support Plan (ISP) ISP Guide
32 N/A PDR and Minutes PDR Procedure Tailor out if PDR occurs before Milestone B
33 N/A Post-Preliminary Design Review Assessment (Post-PDR A) and Minutes Post-PDR A Procedure Tailor out if PDR occurs before Milestone B
34 N/A Allocated Baseline (ABL) Tailor out if PDR occurs before Milestone B
35 N/A Draft Implementation Plan (IP) IP Template Replaced by AAM Project Plan
36 Release Request Letter Release Request Letter and Instructions Form
37 Final IRA IRA Template
38 N/A Updated GRS GRS Template
39 N/A Updated RTM RTM Template Replaced by Jira output
40 N/A Final DS DS Template Output from Data Conversion and Data Migration Tools
41 N/A Final DD DD Template Output from AAM Design stage: 1. To-Be Architecture Runway 2. Infrastructure Architecture Doc 3. Transformation & Refactoring Plan 4. Transformation Specification Doc 5. Baseline App Blueprint (source) 6. Product Backlog
42 N/A IITD Artifacts IITD Procedure
* Updated ITT Charter ITT Guide
ITT Charter Template
* Updated TEMP TEMP Template
* Updated ITP ITP Template
N/A Updated Test Scenarios, Test Cases, and Test Scripts Test Script Template Replaced with User Story or Feature Manual and Automated Test Scripts (to the extent Practical) and ‘Definition of Done’
N/A Updated ITD ITD Template See above.
43 N/A Critical Design Review (CDR) and Minutes CDR Procedure Replaced by weekly Product Backlog grooming and Sprint Backlog refinement by the Development Team, Product Owner and Stakeholders
44 * Updated Risks Risk and Issue Management Process
45 N/A Updated CARD Replaced by Story Point estimates in Product Backlog (t-shirt sizing) and Sprint Backlog (planning poker estimation)
46 * Refined Schedule and Cost
47 * Updated LCSP Document Streamlining – LCSP

Air Force Implementation of New OSD Templates
48 N/A Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA) (if required by the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA)) Improving TRA Effectiveness

TRA Guidance
Replaced by AAM Design stage process and Architecture Runway reports for “To-Be” Cloud infrastructure architecture
49 * Final Responses in EITDR to Non-Security portions of SISSU Questions EITDR is now Information Technology Investment Portfolio Suite (ITIPS)
50 * Final Responses to IA Controls in eMASS eMASS Portal Contact the IA Function for Assistance
51 * Final Architecture Viewpoints Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) “As-Is” and “To-Be” Architecture Runway Descriptions
52 * Final ISP ISP Guide
53 * Updated Program Protection Plan (PPP) Document Streamlining - PPP
54 N/A Engineering Go/No-Go Recommendation Memorandum Engineering Go/No-Go Recommendation Procedure

Engineering Go/No-Go Recommendation Memorandum Template
Replaced by Agile Product Backlog grooming and Sprint Backlog refinement by Product owner and Stakeholders before each Development Sprint
55 N/A Acquisition Decision Memorandum (ADM) for the Post-Critical Design Review Assessment (Post-CDR A) Post-CDR A Procedure Replaced by Agile practices
56 * Final IP IP Template Replaced by AAM Project Plan
57 * User Manual (UM) or on line help UM Template Updated by AAM contractor
58 N/A Operator Manual (OM) OM Template Not required, since Cloud Hosting Provider provides operations support
59 * Final ITP ITP Template
60 N/A Product Database Database Development Procedure Replaced by Data Migration Plan
61 * Product Components Individual Component Validation (ICV) Procedure Automated Unit Tests, Integration Tests, Functional Tests and Regression Tests
62 N/A Systems Infrastructure Systems Infrastructure Procedure Replaced by Cloud DevSecOps Infrastructure as Code practices
63 N/A IITD Artifacts IITD Procedure Replaced by Agile practices
* Final ITT Charter ITT Guide
ITT Charter Template
* Final TEMP TEMP Template
* Final ITP ITP Template
* Final Test Scenarios, Test Cases, and Test Scripts Test Script Template Replaced with User Story or Feature Manual and Automated Test Scripts (to the extent Practical) and ‘Definition of Done’
* Final ITD ITD Template See above.
64 N/A Integrated Test Report (ITR) for Integrated Developmental Test and Evaluation (IDT&E) (Component Validation and Integration (CV&I) portion only) ITR Template

CV&I Procedure
Replaced by Sprint Demo and Release Integration Demo of User Stories (Definition of Done criteria) and Features (Minimum Viable Product criteria)
65 Product Baseline (PBL) Maintained in Version Control System (GitLab) and Digital Artifact Repository (Artifactory)
66 Final Release Package Turn-In and Release Guide Maintained in Version Control System (GitLab) and Digital Artifact Repository (Artifactory)
67 N/A Final GRS GRS Template Replaced with Agile practices
68 N/A Final RTM RTM Template Replaced with Jira outputs
69 N/A Test Readiness Review I (TRR I) and Minutes TRR I Procedure Replaced with final Release Integration feature testing with Product Owner and Stakeholders applying ‘Minimum Viable Product’ criteria.
70 Lessons Learned Lessons Learned, Good Practices, Opportunities and Assistance Procedure AAM contractor.

Engineering and Manufacturing Development Iteration – End

Row No. ✔, * or N/A Product References Justification for Tailoring
71 N/A ITR for IDT&E (includes both CV&I and Qualification Test and Evaluation (QT&E)) ITR Template QT&E Procedure Replaced by Production Release Validation activities: government UAT and Security Testing; User Training; Knowledge Transfer; Data Migration and Cutover
72 Functional Configuration Audit (FCA) Report FCA Procedure AAM contractor.
73 N/A Operational Test Readiness Review (OTRR) and Minutes OTRR Procedure Replaced by Agile practices
74 N/A Updated CARD Replaced by Story Point estimates in Product Backlog (t-shirt sizing) and Sprint Backlog (planning poker estimation)
75 Program Office Estimate (POE) Government PMO.
76 Component Cost Assessment (CCA) Government PMO.
77 Independent Cost Estimate (ICE) Government PMO.
78 Title 40/Clinger-Cohen Act (CCA) Compliance and Component Chief Information Officer (CIO) Confirmation (for all Information Technology (IT)) See AFMAN 17-1402 Government PMO.
79 Title 40/Clinger-Cohen Act (CCA) Department of Defense (DoD) CIO Confirmation (for Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) and Major Automated Information Systems (MAIS)) See AFMAN 17-1402 Government PMO.
80 Updated Programmatic Environment, Safety and Occupational Health Evaluation (PESHE) Government PMO.
81 Updated National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance Schedule (as required) Government PMO.
82 Updated Defense Business System Certification and approval (if required) Government PMO.
83 N/A Engineering Go/No-Go Recommendation Memorandum Engineering Go/No-Go Recommendation Procedure

Engineering Go/No-Go Recommendation Memorandum Template
Replaced by Agile contract practices.
84 N/A ADM for Milestone C Replaced by Agile contract practices.
85 N/A Test Report for Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) (Conducted by the Operational Test Organization (OTO) as Documented in the TEMP or LCMP) Legacy App in Sustainment undergoing modernization.
86 N/A Physical Configuration Audit (PCA) Report App is hosted in the Cloud
87 N/A Operational Safety, Suitability, and Effectiveness (OSS&E) Baseline Document (OBD) (This OBD applies only to the first release of a new system. Subsequent OBDs are prepared annually.) Operational Safety, Suitability, and Effectiveness (OSS&E) Baseline Document (OBD) Template App is hosted in the Cloud
88 N/A Economic Analysis (MAIS only) Legacy App modernized for Cloud hosting
89 N/A Acquisition Strategy Technology Development Strategy/Acquisition Strategy Sample Outline

Air Force Implementation of New OSD Templates

Pre-Award Acquisition Strategy (AS) and Request for Proposal (RFP) Development Process
Legacy App modernized for Cloud hosting
90 N/A Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) (MAIS only) AoA Study Plan Template Legacy App modernized for Cloud hosting
91 N/A Acquisition Strategy Plan (ASP) Acquisition Strategy Plan (ASP) Template - ACAT

Acquisition Strategy Plan (ASP) Template Non-ACAT
Legacy App modernized for Cloud hosting
92 N/A Draft Request for Information (RFI) (optional) for the Operations & Support Phase Contact the Contracting Function for Assistance Legacy App modernized for Cloud hosting
93 N/A Source Selection Plan Contact the Contracting Function for Assistance Legacy App modernized for Cloud hosting
94 N/A Draft Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Operations & Support Phase Contact the Contracting Function for Assistance Legacy App modernized for Cloud hosting
95 N/A Quick Pass and Acquisition Strategy Panel Review and Minutes Contact the Contracting Function for Assistance Legacy App modernized for Cloud hosting
96 N/A Final RFP for the Operations & Support Phase Contact the Contracting Function for Assistance Legacy App modernized for Cloud hosting
97 N/A Engineering Go/No-Go Recommendation Memorandum Engineering Go/No-Go Recommendation Procedure

Engineering Go/No-Go Recommendation Memorandum Template
Legacy App modernized for Cloud hosting

Decision Point – Full Deployment Decision (FDD) (Refer to the FDD Procedure)

Row No. ✔, * or N/A Product References Justification for Tailoring
98 N/A Updated PPP Document Streamlining - PPP Legacy App modernized for Cloud hosting
99 N/A ADM for FDDR ADM Template Legacy App modernized for Cloud hosting
100 N/A Lessons Learned Lessons Learned, Good Practices, Opportunities and Assistance Procedure Legacy App modernized for Cloud hosting
101 N/A Source Selection Decision Document (SSDD) Contact the Contracting Function for Assistance Legacy App modernized for Cloud hosting


Row No. ✔, * or N/A Product References Justification for Tailoring
102 * Updated Stakeholder List Stakeholder Identification and Assessment Template Government PMO.
103 Release Request Letter Release Request Letter and Instructions Form AAM Contractor.
104 Version Description Document (VDD) VDD Form AAM Contractor.
105 Release Turn-in Certification Form Release Turn-in Certification Form AAM Contractor.
106 N/A Installed System Hardware and Software System Installation Procedure Legacy App modernized for Cloud hosting
107 Products from completed system training (i.e., trained customers, users, and Help Desk personnel; archived training materials; and completed training critiques) System Training Procedure Provided prior to Cutover

Begin Customer Support Process

Row No. ✔, * or N/A Product References Justification for Tailoring
108 N/A IBR and Minutes (if required) IBR Procedure Replaced by Agile practices and metrics.
109 Products from continual customer support (i.e., resolved customer requests, Deficiency Reports (DRs), maintained Problem Management System database, and required or requested reports) Continual Customer Support Procedure Government PMO and Post production sustainment support contractor.
110 In-Service Review (ISR) and Minutes In-Service Review Government PMO.
111 Lessons Learned [Lessons Learned, Good Practices, Opportunities and Assistance Procedure Government PMO.]( Sponsored Documents/Lessons Learned, Good Practices, Opportunities and Assistance Procedure.doc?Web=1)

List of Acronyms

Acronyms Definition
A&A Assessment & Authorization
AAM Automated Application Automation
AF Air Force
AoA Analysis of Alternatives
AMDD Agile Model-Driven Development
APIs Application Programming Interfaces
ASP Active Server Pages
ATO Authority to Operate
AWS Amazon Web Services
BPA Business Process Automation
BPMS Business Process Management System
BPD Business Process Directory
BES Business Enterprise Systems
CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering
CD Continuous Delivery
CI Continuous Integration
CCE Common Computing Environment
CEI Capability Integration Environment
CMS Content Management System
CCoE Cloud Center of Excellence
CoE Center of Excellence
CONOPs Concept of Operations
COTS Commercial of the Shelf
CRM Customer Relationship Management
DAST Dynamic Application Security Test
DBaaS Database as a Service
DevOps Development Operations
DevSecOps Development Security Operations
DECC DISA Enterprise Computing Center
DISA Defense Information Systems Agency
DMZ Demilitarized Zone
ELIT Enterprise Logistics IT
ELFP US Air Force Enterprise Logistics Flight Plan v2.0
ELTA Enterprise Logistics Technology Annex
EUD End-User Development
EUP End-User Programming
FIAR Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness
FISCAM Federal Information System Controls Audit Manual
HCI Human-Computer Interaction
IaC Infrastructure as Code
IDAM Identity and Access Management
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IMDS Integrated Maintenance Data System
ILS-S Integrated Logistics System – Supply
IOC Initial Operational Capability
IMS Information Management System
JSF JavaServer Faces
JSP JavaServer Pages
LCDP Low-Code Development Platform
MVC Model View Controller
NCDP No-Code Development Platform
POC Proof of Concept
PaaS Platform as a Service
PEO Program Executive Office
PM Program Manager
PMO Program Management Office
PWS Performance work Statement
RAD Rapid Application Development
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
RDS Relational Database Service
RHEL Red Hat enterprise Linux
RICE-W Reports Interfaces Conversions Extensions - Workflow
RPA Robotic Process Automation
RMF Risk Management Framework
ROI Return on Investment
SAFe Scaled Agile Framework
SBSS Standard Base Supply System
SCCA Secure Cloud Computing Architecture
SDLC Software Development Life Cycle
SLOC Source Lines of Code
SME Subject Matter Expert
SOA Services Oriented Architecture
SAST Static Application Security Test
SysOps System Operations
SQL Structured Query Language
UAT User Acceptance Testing
UI/UX User Interface/User Experience
VDSS Virtual Data Center Security Stack
VDMS Virtual Data Center Managed Services
VM Virtual Machine
VPL Visual Programming Language
XP eXtreme Programming