BES Playbook

3.2 Standards

Before the project begins, it is necessary to identify the functional, data, interoperability, and technical standards that will be used for the modernized application. These standards constrain the possible solutions and ensures the final selected solution will align with DoD and AF IT standards and direction.

Standards related to modernization include: PEO BES BPD best practices, PEO BES and AF DevOps processes and tools (DevSecOps, Automated Release Process, Automated Testing, and CI/CD pipelines), AF Common Computing Environment (AF CCE) application architectures and standards, and other AF enterprise and IEEE standards as applicable to specific IT modernization projects.

The AF has been evolving to some application standards, although a single standard does not exist. The following table provides some Architecture Runway technologies commonly used within the AF. (Also see AF CCE’s technology standards.)

Category Commonly Used Technology
Operating Systems Windows, Linux
Programming Languages Java, C#
Databases Oracle RDBMS, SQL Server, Cloud DBaaS
Cloud Environments AWS, Azure