BES Playbook

4.2 Tool Matrix

The following tools represent some of the better tools available in the market. This list is not comprehensive, there are many software improvement tools available.

Tool Vendor Tool Type Used in AF? Description
BMC Helix Discovery BMC Discovery Not known Discovers configurations and dependencies in on-premise and cloud environments.
ServiceNow Discovery ServiceNow Discovery Not known Discovers configurations and dependencies in on-premise and cloud environments.
Micro Focus Universal Discovery & CMDB Micro Focus Discovery Not known More than 180 out-of-the-box discovery patterns and Configuration Management Database (CMDB) for application assessment and rationalization
Janus Suite TSRI AAM Yes, on SBSS to ILS-S transformation (UNISYS COBOL to RHEL/Java in AWS) Converts many legacy languages to many popular languages. Capable of automated refactoring.
CTU (COBOL to Universal) Modern Systems AAM Not known Converts COBOL to many popular languages.
Micro Focus Code Conversion Micro Focus AAM Yes, for IMDS conversion from UNISYS COBOL to Microfocus COBOL in Azure Converts COBOL to many popular languages.
Asysco Migration Technology (AMT) Asysco AAM Not known Converts UNISYS COBOL to C#/VB.NET and the legacy file system or database to SQL Server
Astadia XGEN and OpenMCS Astadia AAM Not known Mainframe Cloud Framework for AWS with Rules-Based Transformation Engine for COBOL, XGEN code conversion to Java, C#.
ResQSoft Engineer ResQSoft AAM Not known Code conversion and automated baseline improvement.
HP ALM & UFT HP AT Yes, PEO BES standard Automated Testing
JUnit Open Source AT Yes, ILS-S Automated Unit Testing Framework for Java
NUnit Open Source AT Not Known Automated Unit Testing Framework for .NET
Selenium Open Source AT Yes, ILS-S Automated Testing Framework
Cucumber Open source AT Yes, ILS-S Automated Testing approach which supports Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
AF CCE Suite Atlassian DevOps Yes, for AF CCE applications. Provides Jira and Confluence Agile project work management DevOps solution.
CodeMRI Silver Thread Code Quality Yes Examines the health and quality of a code baseline.
Application Intelligence Platform (AIP) CAST Code and system quality Currently used in AFLCMC/HIA with expected expansion to all of BES Examines source code quality including data linkages to modules and database. Also produces and helps enforce an architecture model.