BES Playbook

5.2 Organizational Project-enabling Processes

The Organizational Project‐Enabling processes are concerned with providing the resources to enable the project to meet the needs and expectations of the PEO BES PMO organization’s stakeholders. The Organizational Project‐Enabling processes are typically concerned at a strategic level with the management and improvement of the organization’s business or undertaking, with the provision and deployment of resources and assets, and with its management of risks in competitive or uncertain situations. The Organizational Project‐Enabling processes are defined in the PEO BES BPD and apply outside the span of a project’s life, as well as during a project’s lifespan.

The Organizational Project‐Enabling processes establish the environment in which projects are conducted. The PEO BES PMOs establishes the processes and life cycle models to be tailored for use by projects; establishes, redirects, or cancels projects; provides resources required, including human and financial; and sets and monitors the quality measures for software systems and other deliverables that are developed by projects for internal and external customers. Figure 5-1 lists the processes contained in this process group.