BES Playbook

8.0 Solution Design and Implementation

This section is intended for both PMO government Engineering Support teams and contractor solution architects and developers who are building solutions that will be deployed on Cloud infrastructure platforms. We provide architectural design principles and advice on how to design and implement AAM solutions to provide applications that are secure, reliable, high performing, and cost efficient. We include a discussion on how to take advantage of attributes that are specific to the dynamic nature of cloud computing (elasticity, infrastructure automation, etc.).

In the following subsections we discuss an AAM approach for the most prevalent and successful modernization use cases – rehosting (lift and shift) and re-platforming (code transformation & refactoring). First, we address the project planning and discovery requirements, then we discuss design principles and architectural design patterns that apply to AAM projects. Next we address the solution technical design and cybersecurity design considerations for AAM projects. Finally, we present the solution implementation and deployment of AAM applications to production in the cloud environment.