BES Playbook

9.0 Measurement and Metrics

Service level metrics recommended for a modernized application Service Desk (or Help Desk) are provided in Figure 9.1.

SLA Metrics Description SLA KPI
Number of downtime events in the last 12 months (by App) 2
Average amount of downtime per App event in the last 12 months 2 hours
Longest App downtime event 4 hours
Critical application availability (by App) 99.5%
Length of time to recover from last App downtime event 4 hours
Number of unplanned App change implementations (emergency and urgent by month) Trend Graph
Percentage reduction in the number of App major incidents (IT hosting infrastructure) 20%
Reduction in Problem Backlog (by App) 50%
Time taken to complete Root Cause Analysis (Average time in days for Tier 2 & Tier 3) 7 days
Trouble Ticket Volume (# Tier 1 and Tier 2 by month) Trend Graph
First Call Resolution Rate (Tier 1 and Tier 2 % by month) Trend Graph
End User Satisfaction Rate (% by month) Trend Graph
SLA Compliance Rate (% by month) Trend Graph

Figure 9.1. Proposed Service Desk SLA Metrics (Tier 2 and 3).

We recommend the Service Desk tool be configured to provide critical incident management notification and workflows to manage a critical incident; for example, an App release failure into production – an event which disrupts one or more App services. We recommend standardizing incident status and reporting mechanisms via a Service Desk tool Dashboard based on the KPIs in Figure 9-1. The tool’s Applications Dashboard will enable PMO development and sustainment contractor project teams to manage, monitor, coordinate and communicate status of application performance to PMO stakeholders in a centralized, government-approved format.