BES Playbook

10.1 Building Momentum in Test Automation

Test automation is not a static activity. Due to its nature, it is not as robust as a full-on software application solution. Automation may require review, evaluation, and tweaking from time to time in order that it continues to support testing activities. Therefore, there should always be someone assigned to monitor and maintain the test automation solution.

Automation is additive. From the initial scripts that are automated, more scripts can be developed or reused. In this way, automation helps us build capability similar to stacking bricks to build a wall. Initial automation will be purpose-built, while later automation may be more about stringing prior automated scripts into larger and more complex business processes.

Automation can also help with pre- and post-testing activities, as described in section 2.1. These activities often take time to carry out and the use of automation will help reduce the overall test execution activity time.

Often other projects with similar technology will benefit from the automation developed. It is far easier to adapt an automation solution to another program than to build it again from scratch.