BES Playbook

1.2 Audience

While this playbook can provide value to all personnel involved in a software development project, the primary audience for this playbook are those individuals who are responsible for the planning, management and development of projects that employ or might benefit from User Experience methodologies.

For program managers and those in similar roles, this playbook will provide a foundation of knowledge to enable more effective planning and support for programs where User Experience methodologies might be employed. It will also establish a framework by which the quality and effectiveness of Logistics Information Systems’ digital experiences can be evaluated.

For software engineers and those in similar roles, this playbook will provide a valuable resource for design patterns and guidelines from which new digital experiences can be created, enabling faster design decisions and more rapid deployment while ensuring consistency and quality across all digital experiences delivered by Logistics Information Systems.

For software development project teams as a whole, this playbook will help establish key concepts and methods that will enable more consistent delivery of solutions that meet the needs of end users and the broader organization. These operational benefits will translate to a more efficient and effective workforce, equipped with digital tools that reliably enhance their ability to achieve mission-critical goals.