BES Playbook

Back to Phase 1: Research & Discovery Site Metrics Analysis

When a pre-existing capability is available in a live environment, and has an integrated data analytics tool, time should be spent assessing the data that has been captured to learn more about your users’ actual usage and behavior patterns.

When to use

When a pre-existing capability is available in a live environment, and has an integrated data analytics tool, time should be spent assessing the data that has been captured to learn more about your users’ actual usage and behavior patterns.


  • Data captured through an analytics tool or similar.


Behavioral patterns discerned through metrics analysis can be used to:

Practical considerations

  • Look for click paths (page-to-page navigational flows) that have drop-offs or exits you would not expect, to identify pain points or unknown user intents.
  • Carefully consider sample sizes and occurrence percentages to avoid fixating on edge cases.
  • Avoid attempting to characterize user intent/goals solely by assessing their behavior.
