BES Playbook

Back to Phase 2: Conceptual Design Concept Testing

Testing early and often is the most certain way to ensure the ultimately implemented solution completely meets your users’ needs. To that end, testing should commence as soon as concepts are ready.

When to use

Start validating with end users as soon as conceptual designs are mature enough to demonstrate their intent. With this type of testing, early beats late in terms of benefit. Since the conceptual phase typically revolves around exploring a range of solutions, this phase of testing functions well as a means of identifying “best of breed” ideas that warrant further pursuit.


  • Designs that are meant to fulfill at least one complete user task.
  • Access to end users willing to validate the designs.
  • A test script or plan, for the participant to follow, that covers the user tasks the designs fulfill.
  • An ability to collect feedback.

Practical considerations
