BES Playbook

3.4 Phase 2: Conceptual Design

Once the research and discovery work has provided a clear understanding of the problem space and your target users, the next step is translating those insights into a range of testable concepts for a system architecture and initial, low-fidelity interface designs; validating and honing in on the most successful concepts (eventually narrowing to the single best concept); and finally devising a workable strategy for implementation of the selected direction.

3.4.1 Activities for Conceptual Design


Using quick, low-fidelity drawings helps explore a broader range of potential solutions in less time.

Information architecture

Create an organizational structure for your system’s features and content in ways that are most meaningful to your users.

Participatory design

Collaborating on initial design with subject matter experts and end users reduces risk and rework.

Concept testing

Test early concepts with actual users to gauge effectiveness.

3.4.2 Methods for Strategic Planning


A strategic roadmap provides the team alignment on a plan for implementation.

Story writing

Break up requirements and conceptual designs into discrete, independently executable pieces.