BES Playbook

3.5 Phase 3: Detailed Design

This phase involves building out the conceptual design into fully detailed designs that encompass the entirety of the interfaces and interactions within a given scope of requirements. The final product should be development-ready, including enough specification to explain the how the user may interact with dynamic portions of the designs, and how the designs satisfy their intended requirements or user stories.

3.5.1 Activities for Detailing Designs

High-fidelity wireframing and visual design

Fully detailed renderings of the system’s relevant interfaces help clearly articulate the system and its capabilities.


A simulation of the intended presentation and functionality of the system allows user validation prior to committing to build, and demonstrates this intended functionality to the development team.

Usability testing

Assessing the detailed design at this stage allows the team to more nimbly correct course and enhance the experience prior to development.


Provide additional details to the development team to explain all of the ways a user can interact with the designs.