BES Playbook

5.4 Buttons & Labels

USAF Application Styles

Buttons styles are specific to applications, though button behaviors should follow best practices laid out in Buttons & Controls (4.11).

Machine Learning

5.4 ML

Engines Health

5.4 ML

Positive Inventory Control

5.4 ML

Alpha Standard

The following example component illustrates the best practices outlined previously, with the practical choices that make it so.

  • Obvious. By placing active text into a containing element (usually a rectangle or rounded rectangle), they follow the design standard of the web and real-world.
  • Clear. Button labels like “Submit” and “Learn More” communicate the action that the user is taking upon click.
  • Feedback. Interacting with the button changes its style, and clicking it provides other feedback (like success / error messages) to clarity the user experience.
  • Contrast. The spacing and color ratios of the element provide adequate legibility and scannability.

Disclaimer: Please default to your application’s and USAF styles; the following component standards are to be used only if those assets are not applicable or not available.

5.4 button primary 5.4 button seconday 5.4 button

5.4 button 5.4 button 5.4 button 5.4 button

5.4 Confirmation 5.4 Error

5.4 button