5.6 Alerts & Messaging
USAF Application Styles
Alerts & messaging are specific to applications, though their triggers, appearance, and behaviors should follow
best practices.
Machine Learning

Engines Health Management

Log Common Operating Picture

Positive Inventory Control

Alpha Standard
The following example component illustrates the best practices outlined previously, with the practical choices that make it so.
- Clear. Alerts state in clear language, and with obvious color cues that they are positive / negative / neutral, the reason for the alert, and the action required of the user in order to resolve it.
- Consistent. Alerts follow web or application-standard patterns that are repeating and predictable. If a user were to perform the same triggering action twice, they would receive the same alert twice.
- Actionable. Alerts & messages offer clear next steps to resolve or address them. When appropriate to the context, alter text offers inline links, or anchor links to the offending component.
Disclaimer: Please default to your application’s and USAF styles; the following component standards are to be used only if those assets are not applicable or not available
